According to statistics, 1 out 150 children are diagnosed with autism. These statistics were based on an 8-year-old study. These numbers do not include all people on the Autism Spectrum. If the study were done on all people with Autism, these numbers would be even higher. Our non-profit was founded to address this need. United for Autism offers support to families with Autism. We also promote Autism Awareness, Research, Treatments, and Support.
We believe that Autism will not disappear on its own. To make an impact, it will require the support of all people in the world. United For Autism is a member-based board. We rely on donations, grants and member dues to operate. We are unable to achieve our mission without the support of people like you. Although you may think Autism is not related to you, it is. What if someone you know was diagnosed with Autism or has a child with Autism? You have probably come across someone with Autism at some point. It is inevitable. Autism is on the increase. It is high time that we do something about it and help these people. Without your support, we are a brand new non-profit organization and cannot function at the level we set. Learn more about Autism. find out more on this site
Okay, now what exactly is Autism? Autism is one of 5 disorders that fall under the umbrella of Pervasive and Developmental Disorders.
Here’s a list:
Asperger’s syndrome
Rett’s syndrome
Childhood disintegration disorder
These are the autistic signs:
Routine resistance to change
Difficulty in expressing your needs/wants
Repetition of words or phrases
Do not be in distress for reasons that aren’t appropriate to other people
Anti-social tendencies and preferring to be alone
Insufficient affections
There is no danger perception
Poor eye contact
Inappropriate attachment of objects
When spoken to, unresponsive or ignores
Sensitivity to pain is either too high or too low
Loud sounds can make you feel scared or annoyed.
Playing oddly for long periods
Tolerance to certain textures in food and other items is low
Autism is not discriminatory against anyone. It can strike anyone at any time. It’s time to unite and make a difference for families with Autism. It is possible to be part of something extraordinary. United For Autism was founded by me and my child with Autism. My son was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome at 2 1/2 years of age. It was devastating to learn that our baby had Autism. My youngest child was diagnosed with Autism as a result of being a mother to three children. I never thought I’d have an autistic child. I didn’t get involved in the matter or concern myself until it became a family issue. Autism is a family disease and can cause stress for any family. It can also be financially and emotionally stressful. These are the reasons United For Autism was created. Our mission is to help these families when they are in the most difficult times and have no other options.
Take a moment and visit Let’s expose Autism Now to get answers to all your questions. This is our information site. It has been a great resource for many people with questions about Autism. This website will discuss Autism Spectrum Disorders, Therapy and Bio Medical Treatments, Supplements, Vaccines as well as Support links, helpful topics, and articles about Autism. Take a minute to learn more about Autism.
We invite you to visit our website and learn more about what we do. We provide a comprehensive explanation of who we are and what we do. Families with Autism are represented by us. We hope you will also join us on our journey together. We can all get through this together. My child might have Autism. But it doesn’t have him. Autism can be treated with the right tools. Let’s make sure these families have the equipment they need.