This journey begins with an attempt to answer the question “What is Interior Design?”. The National Council for top interior designers in mumbai Qualification provides the following definition: “Is a multifaceted profession in which technical and creative solutions are applied within a structural structure to achieve a built environment.” These solutions are functional, improve the quality of life and culture and are also aesthetically appealing’. This is a comparison to The Free Dictionary’s definition of interior decorator. “A person whose occupation is the wallpapering and painting of houses.”
It is easy to see why there are two camps based on these definitions. One group holds that interior designers are held to higher standards and have significantly more design responsibilities and training than interior decorators. The other group considers them one and the same. Some people view the designer as an architect, while others see them as a house painter. It is not surprising that there is some confusion within the ranks.
To answer the question “Is there any difference?” A Google search for “Interior Decorator Degree” returned overwhelming results. The keyword was not searched. It is reasonable to conclude that an interior designer degree can be obtained, but not as an interior decorating professional.
Where would you draw the line between a decorator and a designer? The key difference can be seen by going back to the definitions. Designers refer to the ‘built interior environment’ while decorators consider decorating and furnishing the main activities. Designers are judged on their ability and responsibility to remove walls, floors, windows, lighting, and electrical as well as recommend furniture and other design elements. The scope of their role goes beyond that of a decorator.
It is important for the designer to get to know the needs and wants of the company or individual who is hiring him to create a space that is comfortable and pleasing to the eye of the beholder, i.e. the person paying the freight. The designer will need to ask this question: “What interior design looks like through the eyes my employer?”
It can be difficult to determine how to personalize a small area of a home or a large corporate business like a national chain of restaurants that needs to be appealing to customers in different parts of the country. It is necessary to have a good understanding of interior design and decoration.
Designers often specialize in specific areas such as hotels, restaurants, and casinos. They may also have to regularly update their designs to maintain their business’ attractiveness. They may be looking for something different in an interior design for a hospital than they are at a casino. A better example is deciding how to carry on with a southwestern theme at a Mexican restaurant chain located in cities like Seattle, St. Louis and Charlotte, Pittsburg or Boston. Interior design that is accepted widely in one area may not be accepted in another.
When you ask, “What is interior design?” In today’s world, it is important to think green and find ways to reduce the use of non-renewable energies. How can you create spaces that have lots of natural light but don’t expose the person to the sun’s blazing rays? How can you incorporate solar panels or solar powered floor heating systems in colder climates? These are the problems designers face today. It’s good that they love what they do.