The world has become a global village thanks to the advancements in ICT (Information Communication Technology). Computers play a significant role in this integration, as they have helped to integrate regional economies, societies, cultures, and transportation systems.
The global network allows for the integration of nations and regions around the globe. This makes the world look like a village. In this village, the presidents of various nations act as clan heads.
As it is, any thing that has an effect on one clan will have an impact on the other in this large village. This is exactly what is happening today in the world. The international price of crude oil and travels are affected by the Niger Delta crisis in Nigeria.
Globalization is the joining together of different countries economically through education, society, and politics. Citizens view themselves not only as their national identity, but as part of the global whole.
Globalization refers to the process of interaction and integration between people, companies and governments from different countries. It is driven by a combination economic, socio-cultural, political, and investment factors. The Internet (Information Communication Technology) plays a significant role in this process.
Globalization has a profound impact on the environment, culture, political systems, economic development, prosperity, and human physical well-being.
There are very few places that a person cannot reach via the internet or telephone. Modern communication means that citizens of a country are more aware of the wider world and can be influenced by different cultures.
Space and time are less important than ever, and language barriers are being broken as people around the globe communicate via trade, social Internet forums, media sources and many other means.
Globalization has made the world a global village. Global Community members are also called Global Village residents. The Internet is a major medium that has brought people from all countries closer together. Internet refers to the worldwide network of Computers that allow people (the Global Community) to communicate with one another. Internet is just one aspect of ICT.
Globalization has been driven by ICT. Particularly, advances in Information Technology have transformed economic life. Information Technologies offer all economic actors-consumers and investors, new tools to identify and pursue economic opportunities. They include faster and more informed analysis of economic trends worldwide, easier transfers of assets and collaboration with distant counterparts.
As you read this article, people all over the globe are using the internet to communicate with each other and achieve their goals. The Internet is used for everything: selling, buying, school admission and registration, booking airline travel, research of any type, banking, email, searching for employment, information, and so on.
Be a part of the Global Community
As you can see, there is no way for anyone in the present world to succeed if they are not part of the global community. You must be a part of the global community to be eligible:
1. Be Computer Literate
2. Learn how to use the Internet
3. A personal computer (desktop or laptop) is available for purchase
Computer literacy
Computer literacy can be defined as the ability to use computers and technology effectively. Computer literacy also includes a good understanding of how computers work. This is for computer engineers or advanced users who want to become Computer engineers. The first step to joining the global community is knowing and being able to use Computers.
Why is Computer Literacy Important?
In this age of technology, there are many things that you will use the Computer directly or indirectly for. It could be used directly by you or by someone else. Here are some reasons you should be computer literate:
1. Employers will require you to be computer literate when you are looking for a job.
2. Computers are a standard feature in most businesses. Computers are used in banks, for example, to perform banking transactions and look up customer account information. Computers can be used in auto repair shops to diagnose electronic and other problems with cars.
3. Schools use computers to register students, admit them, do accounting and keep track of their records. The school libraries house a database of books. No more library cards.
4. Some Hospitals and Clinics store patient information in computers. To treat a patient, doctors must be able to retrieve this information.
5. You can send and receive electronic mails by learning how to use the Internet and Computers. Or you can hire someone to do it.
The list goes on. You should learn how to use the personal computer now. This will allow you to get a job, and will also help you move up in your career.
It does not necessarily mean that you have to be able to use every piece of software available. This does not mean that you should be able to program or network computers. It is enough to be familiar with the basics.
1. How to Start the Computer
2. How to use the Operating System (OS) on your Computer, Windows, Mac, or Linux.
3. How to open Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint Application Software. Files can be saved, created, and opened.
4. How to exit or close an application software and open another.
5. How to safely shut down your computer after use.
6. How to use the Internet to browse the Internet and send and receive emails.
7. How to play video and listen to music on your computer
8. How to manage your personal computer (PC)
You will find a place for the computer in your brain once you have learned how to use it. You will no longer be afraid of learning how to use the computer.
It was a time when I was trying to teach a good friend how to use Microsoft Word and the Mouse. It wasn’t easy. It didn’t take her long to get started because she was determined to learn. I visited her office one day to check on her. But the typewriter that she loved so much was now under the table. Then, I asked her how the mouse was doing. She smiled. Computer Networking was her master’s program. This is the joy in learning how to use the PC.